
Contact us, FAQ

You can contact us for information about the website. But first, read the FAQ below - you will certainly find an answer. Please note that we no longer reply to e-mails like "Give me a motorcycle" or "How do I find something on Google?".

I'm looking for documentation or photos. Can I ask a Motoplanete member?
No, all Motoplanete news and images can be found on the website.
I don't have (or no longer have) the manual for my motorcycle. How can I get one?
The best way to obtain a user's manual is to ask the brand's authorized dealership. As for the Revues Moto Technique magazines, Motoplanete has no access to them, but they can be found in all good motorcycle stores.
I need motorcycle parts or advice on repairing/maintaining my motorcycle. Can Motoplanete help me?
Very little, especially if it is technical. We're not mechanics or a dealership, and we don't own any technical magazines or diagrams. "Opinions" section can prove invaluable. We no longer reply to e-mails asking for parts or addresses to acquire them.
I have information about a motorcycle. Would this be of interest to the webmaster or is he working on his own?
Our editorial team is happy to accept anything that can enrich the site. A helping hand is always welcome.
I'd like to undo my motorcycle's speed limit. Can I ask Motoplanete for information?
No. Communicating information about undoing speed limitation is forbidden. What's more, we don't have the technical diagrams to meet the demands.
What is the purpose of advertising on Motoplanete?
To pay for hosting, a domain name, tests, reports, the essential costs of running a media outlet, the various technical imperatives and a front tire when there's something left over.
I have a problem with the website (unreadable video, page not found, wrong information, etc.).
Send a message to the webmaster and tell them what needs improvement. He will try to remove the problem as quickly as possible.
There are lots of motorcycles on the site but I can't find my model. Why?
Because the site is run by a small editorial team, there are a huge number of motorcycle models and the few members of the team are no longer enough to do everything.
Will there be a scooter section?
There was a time when we thought about it... But the public isn't too keen on it. The project remains on hold in anticipation of further developments. A major announcement will signal the appearance of this section.
I'd like to run an advertising campaign on Motoplanete. Is this possible, and what is the procedure?
It can be discussed. Motoplanete, like any other website with high traffic, needs money to live, but we don't want to drown it in advertising. For a specific partnership or a targeted advertising campaign, contact the publication manager.
Is Motoplanete a company or business? How many employees are there?
Motoplanete is not a company or anything of the sort. It's just an information website created by a team of enthusiasts and managed by them when they get home in the evening. We don't sell anything, we don't do any business; we just offer information and do a bit of advertising. We are just a
Some legal aspects...
- Motoplanete is registered with the C.N.I.L. under the number 1004872, as a result of the presence of information on Internet users (newsletter, forum, classified ads, competitions, link directory). - Motoplanete is not registered in the business register because we don't do any trading. We don't sell anything or offer any paid services. - What is Motoplanete's status? To answer this question, I'd like to cite an answer from the Murielle Cahen Avocat Online website: "Given that a website is now protected under intellectual, literary and artistic property law, can the author of a website be considered a writer?" A website can indeed be considered a work of the mind..."